I can’t say enough good things about how this bike rides! After my bike didn’t show up in Whistler I needed to rent something and was lucky enough to find a Devinci Wilson. As I rode up the chairlift I couldn’t wait to see what this bike could do. It was the bike my favorite racer Steve Smith piloted to many World Cup podiums. Once it was time to hit the trail I immediately felt right at home, this is pretty rare for me as I typically need some time to get used to the bike. It really blew my mind by how well it soothed out all of the chatter at high speed. Brake bumps in the berms no longer bothered me, I was purposefully hitting them to just make sure I wasn’t dreaming how good the suspension was. This bike was insanely fast, I’ve never felt this comfortable riding at speeds this high. When it was time to go air born there was no way this race machine could be fun right? Wrong! The Wilson was so playful in the air or on the ground for me. After a half day renting this bike I didn’t want to give it back and after the trip I still have it on my mind – Derek
With piles of World Cup podiums under its chassis, the Wilson is a weapon to be reckoned with. This Devinci flagship DH ride carried the regretted Steve Smith to the highest title, crowned World Cup Champion in 2013. The Wilson features an advanced carbon or aluminum front triangle synergized with a rear carbon build powered by EPS molded frame tech for lighter, stiffer, stronger performance. Wilson’s asymmetrical construction improves torsional stiffness. Hard-charging carbon seat stay bolster pedal power out of the start gate and across the flats. And the ever-agile Split-Pivot suspension system, with new shock positioning that bucks mud and lowers center of gravity, makes easy work of boulder gardens and wickedly steep terrain. Wilson DH. Fierce by nature. A force by design.